Easy and fabulous DYI skincare products

Easy and fabulous DYI skincare products

Bikinis are all about showing skin and looking confident. It’s essential to have perfect glowing skin in while looking good in your rêve de rive bikini!

Here are 4 at home recipes for you to try out ladies! Our RDR team swears by them!


Sugar Scrub

Start out with the essentials :

- 1/2 cup sugar (white or brown sugar- preferably organic)

- 1/2 cup oil (olive oil and coconut oil work great !)

Optional : Pick an essential oil of your choice. This will make sure you smell as good as you look!

Coconut Oil Honey Hair Mask

What’s sexier than silky healthy hair on the beach ? We believe good hair is a crucial accessory at the beach. 

It couldn’t be easier to make :

-mix equivalent of tablespoons of each product into a bowl. Depending on how long/thick your hair is. Start rubbing it into the ends of your hair and massage the remaining into your scalp ! leave in about 20 minutes before you wash it out and voilà!

Coffee Mud Mask

Rêve de Rive is all about the glamorous vacationners who love to look good, get a good tan and enjoy nightlife. This face mask is sure to get rid of unwanted effects by giving you a glowing and clean face in just 10 minutes! Now you’re sure to look good in every vacation selfie!

You’ll need :

4 tbsps. bentonite clay

2 tbsps. coffee grounds

2- 5 tbsps. apple cider vinegar (can be substituted for water)

Recipe Directions: In a small bowl add clay, coffee grounds and mix until incorporated, add 1-2 tbsps. apple cider vinegar to mixture and mix. Aplly over your face and wait 5-10 minutes until the mask dries. Rinse off and apply sunscreen to protect your new and improved skin!

Honey and Lemon Foot Bath

Bikinis and stiletos are a match made in Rêve de Rive heaven!

This one’s for all our ladies who love wearing heels and dancing all night ! It’s so important to care for your feet and ensure they’re soft and smooth. This recipe will not only do that but relax your feet instantly from your beach party last night!

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