RdR Wish List - For true fashion Divas !

RdR Wish List - For true fashion Divas !

Each week, we try to compose the best selection of bikinis with accessories, for our readers to see that a bikini from Rêve de Rive is always a suitable contribution to any outfit.

UMA Black

Uma is a unique Rêve de Rive swimsuit. It does not only fit any body type and skin tone; it also highlights the best physical features of the owner. The swimsuit is made of a special material with an original pattern on it.

Mirror-Lens Sunglasses

Colorful sunglasses with a mirror lenses are the trend of the season. They come in all different colors, but we suggest the golden shades, which will look just perfectly with Uma black swimsuit.

Black Shoes on a Platform

Footwear is just as important for a complete outfit when you prepare to go to a beach party. Ladies should consider wearing shoes on a platform, as they are very beneficial for a successful look as well as extremely comfortable to dance in.

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