Reve de Rive Swimwear's launch into UAE, DUBAI

Reve de Rive Swimwear's launch into UAE, DUBAI

Reve de Rive Swimwear is excited to announce our launch into the UAE, Dubai market November 2016. As our label continues to promote luxury, quality and fun- we want to delivery a celebration of life when wearing our bikini's! We value individuality and hope to continue to stimulate  international clients, jet setters lifestyle, influencers, and more to come!

Dubai is known for their luxury aesthetic of shopping, ultramodern architecture, and lively night life scene; with the world largest tower, Burj Khalifa dominating the skyline. With so much to do on man made islands, the city was built up to offer everything and move in the middle of a dessert.

This beautiful UAE country has a dominated nightlife scene and has become a huge fashion hub for all relevant designers. Fashion as we know it consists of designers, buyers, retailers, editors, and columnists that work together to help create a this lavish image of Dubai Fashion industry. 

As many luxury spa's, resorts, hotels, and high end restaurants opened up and began to spread their lavish lifestyle and of course, respecting the local culture and religion. Nikki Beach is the first and original luxury beach club, they have established themselves in powerhouse destinations for those who seek opulence and excellence in a relaxing chic environment. Reve de Rive is so excited to announce that we will be part of this amazing event, What Woman Want on November 19th. We will be launching our Summer 17 collection and as well as a Dubai limited collection. This event is a unique fashion concept spread out over a series of stylish events; a favorite brand or designer is chose to create a unique fashion show targeting ultimate fashionistas, trendsetters and influence elite. In the true style of Nikki Beach the event boost beauty, cocktails, sweets, shopping- every woman’s secret guilty pleasures!

Follow us as we chase summer worldwide @revederive_swimwear 






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